Saturday, October 12, 2013

Ryan's Well Foundation

Back in 1998, a six-year-old boy, Ryan Hreljac, found out that clean water was scarce in Africa. So, he started to save chore money he earned until he had $70 saved. By 1999, Ryan's efforts led to the first well being constructed by this young boy's efforts. Eventually, the project grew into RYAN'S WELL FOUNDATION in 2001. The continuing legacy of this foundation has built over 800 water projects, more than 1000 latrines and benefited hundreds of thousands of people. Money is raised through speaking engagements at schools and involves young children in its mission.

But Ryan wasn't the only young person involved in building this project. You see, there was a pen pal from Africa, Jimmy Akana, who lives in Uganda, who gave Ryan a personalized view of how his life differed from Ryan's. A few years after they started writing, the situation in Uganda became rather dangerous for Jimmy and he was captured by the Lord's Resistance Army, a rebel group. After a lot of work by a family across the ocean and interested people in Africa, Jimmy was able to move to Canada and become part of Ryan's family. Both Ryan and Jimmy, now young men, have continued roles within Ryan's Well Foundation.

Today, Ryan's Well Foundation remains active in completing water, sanitation, and hygiene projects throughout Africa in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Togo, Kenya, Uganda, and outside of Africa in Haiti. In the United States, this Foundation has entered the school curriculum to educate students about the importance of water as a resource, and also to see a need and take action. Various groups can organize fund-raising activities through the Foundation and know that the money they raise will be used in specific projects that are already under way. Donors can keep track of the latest information through the web site, a blog written by Ryan, and other social media.
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