Sunday, May 24, 2015

On A Mission To Serve The Homeless

The van is loaded up with necessities to be distributed.
Sometimes it takes those from the grassroots to give basic services to those who have lost their homes. So, two people got together and developed a mission. They have the backing of a larger group and are always seeking out new partners to join the cause.

Rae Kirkbride, who has served the homeless population of Columbus, Ohio, for some 10 years, and Jim Vaive, the founder of EVERYDAY PEOPLE MINISTRIES and who also has experience in prison ministries, have gotten together to provide basic care items and medications to people in need with no permanent shelter. From the larger Everyday People Ministries, they have formed BACKYARD MISSIONS, one of several missions provided by the larger faith ministries group.

How did this mission come to have the name? Well, Columbus has a significant number of people without homes and in reality homelessness could happen to anyone. It could even be someone who used to live near you. Thus, lack of a home can happen in your own backyard.

Every Saturday volunteers get together and practice Christian kindness among people who need it most. They prepare and serve lunch. They distribute such necessities as tents, tarps, medications, flashlights, blankets, personal care items, water supplies, and toiletries. They provide the personal contact that lets those suffering know that someone really cares.

The group realizes that what they can do currently doesn't meet completely the extensive needs. They hope they can expand to provide such services as temporary housing, job search assistance, counseling, medical care, and even cell phones. But rather than do nothing now, they do what they can. And Everyday People Ministries has been able to pitch in by helping some families at risk of becoming homeless to get the extra cash needed to afford another month's rent.

Their motto says: "I am only one person./I cannot do everything./But I CAN do something./And I WILL do something,/with God's Grace and Power." If only we all did that!

One of the men without homes has just received supplies.
Thanks to this article from Pollination Project:; and the above links.

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