Friday, July 10, 2015

The Sisterwives Speak Up

A way of viewing ourselves and others.
No, these aren't the women who are all married to the same man. This is a group of nine women, who support each other through life's challenges. Together, they are more than the sum of each individually. Together, they are a force; they speak with a strength that they could not mount separately.

Not long ago, one of the group of THE SISTERWIVES noticed some posts on Twitter under the hashtag "DontJudgeMe. There were before and after pictures of women, supposedly making a transformation from ugly duckling to amazingly beautiful. But doesn't that send the wrong message? The message is still that being a Plain Jane, in reality, being who you are, is unacceptable and must be changed.

Here we are in the US, classifying people by their looks and pronouncing the way we are to be wrong, unacceptable. We are held up to a standard of beauty/looks that values how a person looks and forgets about what really comprises a person. Do we want this? Do we want to ignore character and personality in favor of the outer coating, that one layer that must measure up to what we believe is beautiful and flawless?

That's when the sisterwives went to work. They were wanting to combat the attitude that only beauty represents the standard by which to measure a person. What they really wanted to show was that it was okay to be you, just be yourself, #BeReal.

So, what is the standard to #BeReal? "If it's choosing to wear makeup and dressing to impress, then #BeReal. If it's bare-faced and dressing for comfort and practicality, then #BeReal. If it's sweaty and happy after a good workout, then #BeReal. If it's hanging out with a beer, chillaxing, then #BeReal. If it's enjoying good food and good company, then #BeReal. If it's family time or snuggling with pets or curling up alone with a book or NetFlix, then #BeReal." Most of all it is you, your real self that counts, not how you look. The value is the person, you, we, us.

A large majority are most likely to judge by appearance.
So, if you have a Twitter account or don't (you can easily make one), get this #BeReal hashtag trending. Send in a selfie of yourself, just now, being your real self, under that hashtag. You'll be saying a lot about a new standard, where individuals are valued for just being you. After all, you matter in this world of ours.
Thanks to this article from Kindness Blog:

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