Monday, September 28, 2015

A Fancy Pumpkin Decoration

Poking holes in the pumpkin shell with screwdriver.
We're coming to the end of September; autumn has arrived, although it might not feel like it in portions of this country. With the arrival of October in a few days comes plans for harvest festivities and Halloween scares.

Then there is the old traditional pumpkin carving. Some people decorate pumpkins on the outside with markers, paints, and sequins, and skip the messy scraping out the innards work. But if you don't mind the messiness, there is something decorative that you can do with the pumpkin and not get to scary.

First, obtain at least a medium-sized pumpkin. Carve out the top to make a lid, then start digging and removing the innards until you have the shell left. You can use either a screwdriver or a drill to poke holes randomly on the base and the lid, until the entire pumpkin has holes.

Next, you want to have a way to hang the pumpkin. so take a thick cord and knot it at the end, then string in through a hole near the top of the pumpkin body. Put the other end through another hole at the same level, then securely knot the end of the cord. Do the same with another length of cord, so the two lengths crisscross each other. Then loop another length of cord through the crisscross, knot it into a loop, and hang, so it can be hung from a hook.

Now, for lighting the interior. Back in the day, parents/adults used to provide the lighting with a lit candle, secured by melted wax to the bottom of the interior. But that presents a fire hazard, especially when the outer pumpkin shell becomes dried.

These days the smart decorator uses a flashlight secured into the base. If your lucky flashlight has a strobe setting, your new decoration can give your home a disco effect. But if not, then you can have an atmospheric glow when you turn out the lights. You can also create colored light effects by placing colored plastic wrap over the light and affixing with rubber bands.

Cords strung through pumpkin shell.
In just a few short minutes, you have created an awesome Halloween or harvest festival decoration. Design and safety features came from Dave Has.

Thanks to this article from Sun Gazing:


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