Friday, June 24, 2016

A List Of Distinguished And Inspiring Women

Two girls fundraising for Bright Pink at a high school football game.
A few months ago, Lindsay Avner, who founded the organization, BRIGHT PINK, named five (actually seven) distinguished women that she was celebrating on Galentine's Day. For those who have never heard about Galentine's Day, that's the day you celebrate your girl squad, your BFFs, your inspirational group of female friends, as opposed to that one significant other, who is the focus of Valentine's Day.

1. Best Girl Boss: Janet Fouty, who is CEO and Chairman of Deloitte Consulting, one of those women who broke the glass ceiling to run a well-known consulting firm. She is also known for championing women in the workplace, through Deloitte's WOMEN'S INITIATIVE. She also founded Women in Technology, which operates in both India and the US.

2. Best Realist: Brene Brown is an author; her latest book being Rising Strong, which acknowledges the fallibility of human beings, but then being able to pick yourself up and move on when you falter. She sees that life can be a struggle, not the stuff of fairy tales. She advises people to admit to the struggle and have the courage to move through it.

3. Best Go-Getter: Journalist Alicia Quarles is a woman who lives life to the fullest and reminds others to do the same. This is a woman who likes to get to know the real side of everyone. And she is also fiercely loyal to her friends. When one of her friends died from ovarian cancer, she chose to remember that friend by promoting the importance of women being proactive with their ovarian health.

4. Best Dreamer: Jen Foyle, who is Global Brand President of Aerie, part of American Eagle Outfitters, developed the #AerieReal Campaign. Instead of focusing on ideal body types, and retouching photos of models, she changed the focus of this brand of intimates to body positivity. This was an empowering type of advertising campaign that basically told women to celebrate their real selves.

5. Best Healthcare Revolutionary: Dr, Deborah Lindner, who is Bright Pink's Chief Medical Officer, has been revolutionizing the way physicians provide care for their young female patients. She has been teaching medical students and those just starting out in the profession, how to identify and manage breast cancer and ovarian cancer risks in their patients. Because of her efforts, it is estimated that approximately 14 million women can receive comprehensive breast and ovarian health care.

Some of the promotional products for the #AerieReal campaign.
Then Ms. Avner added her two stepdaughters, Lexie and Abby, who provide the inspiration for her work. For they are the next generation of women, the ones who will receive more benefits from the work of Bright Pink and be healthier because of the organization's existence. It doesn't get more personal than that.

Educating health care consumers.
Thanks for information from this article by Lindsay Avner on She Knows:, and the above links.

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