Saturday, October 1, 2016

Hungry Children Helped With Backpacks Of Food

The Thomas Promise Foundation van, a welcome sight at local schools.
We're going to take a look today at one of the backpack food programs that helps to make sure that children stay well-nourished, even outside of school days. This one is THE THOMAS PROMISE FOUNDATION in Zephyrhills, Florida.

Called Operation Backpack, the program began when young first grader, Brooke Thomas, noticed that some of her young classmates would go hungry. At that time, she started giving them her lunch money. And like any inquiring first-grader, Brooke went home and asked her mother, "Why?"

From Brooke's sense of compassion towards her classmates, came the Foundation. Its purpose is to make sure that children in need receive backpacks with three meals/day, plus snacks, for days when school isn't open. This service is now provided for all children who live in Pasco County.

To give you an idea of the scope of this program, it provides these backpacks of food in 19 schools, so that more than 1,000 children benefit. Brooke, now 11 years old, now spends some of her free time at a food pantry, while encouraging other children to follow her example. The Thomas Promise Foundation's next goal is providing backpacks to a total of 2,000 children every week.

To show how important the work of the Foundation is, here are a few comments. K. Brown said, "I am a mother of 2 and both my children attend school in Pasco County. Before I learned about the Thomas Promise it was a struggle to keep my kids' bellies satisfied. But because I live in a wonderful community that gives back & the Thomas Promise, I no longer worry about my having something to fill their bellies. Each Friday my kids come home with a blue backpack full of nutritious snacks & sometimes meals. Thank you so much, Thomas Promise, you have been a blessing to my family!!!"

Another family, the Bahr Family, commented, "I have lived in Zephyrhills for 45 years and I have been a business owner for 28 of them. We are now feeding over 400 local children every week and in our meetings we all want to be able to do more! I ask anyone that wants to be a part of a great organization with incredible caring people, to help  us in any way you can. You will never regret your decision. There is no better feeling than to help our children in need. Thank you Wade and Dianna for letting us be a part of it!"

Some young volunteers helping out at The Thomas Promise.
The Thomas Promise Foundation continues to receive support from various local community groups. It is not unusual for those running for political office to make donations, such as Wilton Simpson, who is running for Florida State Senate. Even children participate, such as local Cub Scout Pack 72, who managed to collect 1,055 pounds of food for the cause. With commitments like these from community members, the Foundation can make sure that all children in need get good nutritional support.

Boys from Cub Scout Pack 72 collecting donations of food.
Thanks for information from this article from the Thomas Promise Foundation:; this article from the same site:; and the above link.

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