Sunday, April 19, 2015

This Son Knows Better Than His Dad

Christian handing the money to Ms. Herndon.
It happened two years ago. Tona Herndon, 78 years old, had lost her husband to whom she was married for 60 years. She had gained a small amount of solace from visiting her husband's grave. Then the unthinkable happened. A man stole her wallet, just walked up to her and took it. That wallet contained $250.

That crime made the evening news, showing up in a wider area than just locally. That's when 15-year-old Christian Lunsford happened to view it. While he was watching, he got a good look at the perpetrator. And the bells of recognition rang - the man was his estranged father. Christian stated, "I kind of suspected who it was because this isn't the first time."

The whole thing didn't feel right to Christian and he somehow felt responsible, even though he wasn't even there that day. He felt he had to make the situation right. Christian had already received that same amount of money from his father, Shane Lunsford, for a school band trip he was scheduled to take. But that fact didn't matter when it came to righting a wrong. As Christian said, "I didn't know whether it was hers or his or how, I just knew I needed to give the money to her."

So, the two of them, the boy and the recently widowed older woman, agreed to meet in a local church parking lot. When they met face to face, Christian, backed by his family, apologized for his father's actions and handed Ms. Herndon the money he had received from his father. Tona said she was completely surprised, "This is a very blessed family, I thank them so much for what they wanted to do, to make things right. That was wonderful."

Then, after she thought about it, Ms. Herndon handed the money back to Christian. For her, it wasn't about the money. She was touched by the gesture of reparation. As she said, "He gave and I received, and I gave and he received, so it worked out." In the end, the son was much wiser than the father.

Christian proving his actions were truly compassionate and heart-felt.
Thanks to this article from Little Things:; and this article from The Daily Mail:

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