Sunday, November 15, 2015

More Than A Gesture Of Kindness

Robin Sutherland with the note Officer Catato sent.
There are some days when it can all seem to go wrong. Robin Sutherland was having one of those days. She had just learned that day that her 90-year-old mother was entering hospice care, her last parent who was still alive. It was one of those things, that besides being heartbreaking, has life-changing implications.

To top it off, this Somerville, Massachusetts, woman happened to be driving down a street that had a posted speed limit of 30 MPH, only she was doing 40. Then, to top it off, a police officer noticed and she was pulled over. It was something that on other days she never does, but the one day when she was so upset and not paying attention, she was stopped. It was too much to bear, and the tears flowed. Robin said, about the moment, "I just realized when we lose my mother I'm the older generation now and it just hit me."

However, Officer Ashley Catato, who had stopped Ms. Sutherland, wasn't without a heart. Instead of a ticket, she issued this driver a warning, while she comforted her, then sent her on her way. It's not all police officers who would have done that. But it was what happened next that captured Robin's heart.

That evening, there was a surprise awaiting the Sutherland family. Officer Sutherland had sent the family, and the woman she stopped, a big bouquet of flowers, along with a note. The note read, "I'm very sorry about your mother. I hope you find comfort in knowing she lived a long life and will continue to live on in your heart and memories. [Signed by] Officer who pulled you over this morning." What a very nice gesture to help out a family going through a rough time!

Officer Cantato's actions did not go unnoticed. Both the Mayor of Somerville and the Deputy Chief of Police honored their Officer with a heart of gold. As for Officer Cantato, she feels that what she did was nothing out of the ordinary, "We do things like this all the time. It just doesn't get much notice in the press. I was just doing what I know most people would have done anyways. It just seemed so natural for me."

Robin Sutherland with the bouquet and flowers sent by Officer Catato.
But for Ms. Sutherland, the act was no ordinary gesture, It had great meaning for her. She said, "For her to go out of her way for someone who was having kind of a tough day, it was just amazing."

Everyone has had very bad days, similar to what Ms. Sutherland experienced. Wouldn't it be nice for our fellow human beings to notice and do something nice? It doesn't have to be flowers, just a listening ear will help - and that doesn't cost any money, either.

One of Boston's finest, Officer Ashley Catato.
Thanks to this article from Good News Network:; and this article from CBS Boston:

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