Saturday, December 10, 2016

Rescuing Animals On The Island Of Patmos

Lucky Luke a donkey missing part of his leg, is taken in at the shelter.
The country of Greece surely has had its ups and downs over the past few years. But despite its economic woes, Greece is the home of ancient ruins and beautiful scenery. Part mainland and part islands, this nation offers a variety of experiences to its residents.

The island of Patmos combines both the beautiful and the exotic. But beyond its natural beauty lies a problem, the problem of animal abandonment and cruelty. Anna Florentis, a veterinary technician, spent her growing years and received her education in the US. She has also had extensive experience in various international settings, including Greece, where she had established her home on the island of Patmos.

So, when it came to solving some of the issues with animals, her experience and that of her international team members, became the basis of founding the only shelter for abandoned and stray animals on the island of Patmos, MONDO CANE ANIMAL WELFARE SOCIETY. At the time this organization was formed, Anna said, "I am starting this project because I am well known in the community for being an animal lover. I joined a few others who were also in the same position and we decided to create a space where people can come with their animal needs, get guidance to resolve the issues of abandonment, care for the animals until they are re-homed." Just a year and a half after the organization began, homes had been found for 70 dogs.

Besides providing temporary shelter for animals in need, plans include a low-cost spay-neuter clinic, community education on humane treatment of animals and other pet issues, and comprehensive information center for animal welfare issues.

Like any other pet shelter, this one has its share of animals, with their stories of how they came to be in the shelter. Tiger was only a few days old when he was found, a tiny tabby with striped markings, apparently dumped. When he first came to the shelter, he wasn't eating, so a search for a suitable substitute, who also had babies, was launched, but none was available. Fortunately, the tiny kitten started feeding and a couple who was vacationing on the island, helped to foster him.

Lettie is a pure-bred cocker spaniel, who came to the island with her new owner and was allowed to get pregnant. Suddenly, the owner was no longer interested and left Lettie and her pups tied up at a local beach. Fortunately, they were spotted by a team member and volunteer, and brought to the shelter. Two summer residents adopted the momma, Lettie, two black puppies were adopted by tourists, and a team member adopted the third.

One of Lettie's puppies (left) all grown up.
The shelter was called into service when a bird, an Elnora's falcon, was spotted by a seasonal visitor who was out on her boat. She noticed that bird was injured and the crew went out of their way to rescue the creature. Founder, Anna Florentis, was able to pick up the injured bird and then made arrangements with a wildlife rescue group to take the bird. The bird was then examined and treated for a broken wing, and then was taken into rehabilitation on Paros Island.

The injured Elnora falcon.
Thanks for information from this article on Pollination Project:; this page from Mondo Cane:; this page from Mondo Cane:; and the above link.

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