Saturday, March 18, 2017

Diverse Youth Chorus

Some of the Chorus' youth ready to sing at the National Center For Civic and Human Rights.
Budding youth talent, young people from various backgrounds and socio-economic groups, with singing talent - all of that applies to ATLANTA'S INTERNATIONAL YOUTH CHORUS. This choral performing group provides a well-rounded opportunity for growth, guidance, compassion, and direction to those who make the auditioning cut. The professionals, who provide the leadership and instruction, are particularly sensitive to the voice changes that occur to boys as they go through the changes of puberty.

Another feature of Atlanta's International Youth Chorus is its repertoire. Most of their performance catalogue features songs that promote social justice, peace, teamwork, hope, and reconciliation, and can be performed in forty different languages. But it's not just singing and voice training, it's about friendship and teamwork among these young singers. Singers range in age from 6 to 18.

For high school students, the Chorus provides a leadership program. They are trained to be mentors and role models for the younger singers, Other opportunities available, based on interest, are accompanist, percussionist, section leader, and student conductor. These older students, then, can pursue their passions and ready themselves for the next phase of their music careers.

R. Daniel Mooney's writing supports the reasons to teach music, this poem, Why Music.
"I. Music is a Science.
II. Music is Mathematical.
III. Music is a Foreign Language.
IV. Music is History.
V. Music is Physical Education.
VI. Music Develops Insight and Demands Research.
VII. Music is all these things, but most of all,
Music is Art.

That is why we teach music:
Not because we expect you to major in music
Not because we expect you to play or sing all your life...

But so you will be human
So you recognize beauty
So you will be closer to an infinite beyond this world.

So you will have something to cling to
So you will have more love, more compassion.
more gentleness, more good -
in short, more Life."

A section of the Chorus performing at the spring concert.
And so we teach our young to sing, to use the voice as a musical instrument, to reach beyond themselves through music. An enriched life, beyond what they would have experienced elsewhere, is provided through Atlanta's International Youth Chorus.

Thanks for information from this write-up on Charter For Compassion:; this page on Harmony: Atlanta's International Youth Chorus:; this post on Facebook:; and the above link.

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