Thursday, January 7, 2016

Music Support For Vulnerable Youth

Participants engaged in bucket drumming.
Many who have worked in mental health facilities have awareness that many types of therapeutic interventions are utilized in treating those who have emotional illnesses. One type of intervention involves the therapeutic use of music, which helps in expressing feelings or relieving dark moods.

In Portland, Oregon, Ian Mouser was working in two different settings with both youth in foster care and youth facing mental health challenges. He became aware of how music and songwriting could contribute to building relationships and, perhaps, transform lives. So, he founded MY VOICE MUSIC (MVM), which provides youth ages 5 to 17 with opportunities to write, record, and release their own songs. For those youth facing crises, the organization provides support to cope, heal, and thrive through music.

Monica Metzler works for My Voice Music as a Programs Outreach Coordinator. It is her function to help schools and youth programs arrange for a young musician, or the organization itself to come onsite for programming. Monica can utilize her background as a musician, performer, recording engineer, and singer-songwriter to contribute to her work. She has also been developing free workshops for adolescents with chronic and terminal illnesses, along with those who have emotional issues. She explained, "Music is a positive therapeutic tool that teaches youth how to release emotions in a healthy, productive way. Having access to a program that involves mentoring, self-reflection songwriting, and a supportive community helps build confidence and coping mechanisms."

These workshops are available for youth in ninth through twelfth grades, who have diagnosed chronic illness, terminal illness, or mental illness. Participants keep a weekly journal, participate in percussion jams, receive instrument instruction, and learn songwriting techniques. There are even sessions with guest musicians, and opportunities to perform and record their music. The conclusion of the workshop is a performance highlighting their compositions, which is open to the public.

Middle school students participating in music activities.
The larger organization, My Voice Music, serves a wider range of youth, beyond those who have particular vulnerabilities, or are thought of as high-risk. Each year since its founding, MVM has served approximately 2,000 youth in various program settings. Over 100 volunteers donate countless hours as artists, instructors, and fundraisers. They have won recognition both inside and outside of Oregon in spreading the arts throughout the State.

Celebrating the last day of Rock Camp.
Thanks for information from this article at Pollination Project:; and the above link.

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