Friday, January 15, 2016

Kamuli's Conservation Initiatives

Supplies that have been helpful to local residents.
In the Kamuli District of Uganda, the once-forested lands had become degraded, just flat-lands with no trees. Sadat Kalindi happened upon this area, along with Daniel Twite. Mr. Sadat is a professional environmentalist and he was concerned about the forest that had already disappeared, and continues to disappear at an alarmingly rapid rate.

Both Mr. Sadat, now Executive Director, and Mr. Twite got together and founded NATURE FOR LIFE CONSERVATION INITIATIVES (NALCOI), with a plan of restoring the forest to that flat-land area of Kamuli. This organization undertakes projects within the areas of environmental conservation and protection, food and nutrition security, and sustainable livelihoods.

Some of the early projects involved rehabilitating spring water resources, providing climate change education in local schools, and assisting with mitigating disaster risk. Of course, along with these efforts came the planting of tree seedlings in forest areas that had been denuded, providing more stable soil, protection of water sources by reducing runoff, and maintaining soil fertility in surrounding areas.

Forest restoration, even today, represents an important part of NALCOI's work in preserving indigenous species of plants and animals. Working with Plan International and the Kamuli District government, climate change education has become an important part of the school curriculum, producing knowledgeable students with environmental savvy. Education is also provided in the areas of sanitation and hygiene, helping to preserve safe water sources.

NALCOI is actively involved in the Kamuli District.
At the grassroots level, NALCOI is working with sixty marginalized and vulnerable families to help them develop environmentally sustainable enterprises to increase their families' income and food security. An important part of the effort is fund-raising to help provide needed supplies for families in need. Also, the group welcomes volunteers, especially those with the type of background which will help further their organizational goals.

Seedlings are important for restoring denuded forest areas.
Thanks for information from this article by Pollination Project:; and the above link.


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  3. Thanks madam Linda Indyke for promoting NALCOI's good work out there. As NALCOI we implement projects in three core programmes: Environmental conservation; Water, sanitation and hygiene; and Food security and sustainable livelihoods in Uganda. Our efforts are geared towards achieving sustainable development and making the world a better place.

    We welcome all forms of support to enable us achieve our mission. For more information, contact us through our email: You can follow us on Facebook: Nature for Life Conservation Initiative.

  4. Thanks madam Linda Indyke for promoting NALCOI's good work out there. As NALCOI we implement projects in three core programmes: Environmental conservation; Water, sanitation and hygiene; and Food security and sustainable livelihoods in Uganda. Our efforts are geared towards achieving sustainable development and making the world a better place.

    We welcome all forms of support to enable us achieve our mission. For more information, contact us through our email: You can follow us on Facebook: Nature for Life Conservation Initiative.
