Monday, December 7, 2015

Disappointed Children Get A Surprise

Santa's sleigh in a bay and receiving servicing.
Ah, the Christmas season! There's a veritable feast of Christmas advertising that comes along with the season. Although these advertisements are used to promote products and services, some do come with something a bit extra.

KWIK-FIT, an auto repair service center, created a little disappointment at their auto centers to launch a surprise for children from ten families, then used the clips to promote their services. But the real part was the children, who were expecting Christmas festivities of various types on the first weekend in December and found out their parents had to make an unexpected stop to get car servicing. Disappointment abounds; pouting child faces enter the waiting area, as parents set up the servicing; it's waiting room boredom.

But wait a minute; there is a sleigh in one of the service bays, packed with Christmas presents. A mechanic is underneath working on it, and there are reindeer enjoying a snack of straw. There's another customer in the waiting room, hiding behind a road map. He looks distinctly familiar, with a fat round belly, red pants held up with suspenders, black boots.

One of the customer service representatives summons "Mr. Claus" to the counter, where he starts conversing with the children, who, by this time, have stars in their eyes after they spotted the sleigh getting tuned up. Somehow, this man, who has a white beard and a jolly look in his eyes knows the name of the children with whom he is talking and tells them that his sleigh is carrying a present just for them.

One of the kids is a bit shocked and asks, "How does he know my name?" then answers himself with, "He's Santa Claus, that's why!" Another child is full of wonder, "You got me all I ever wanted!", while yet another asks, "How did you know?" as she opens her present. The commercial ends with "Have a free winter check on us. Merry Kwikmas."

Who's that man in the chair, studying that map so closely?
So far, this ad has received more than 300,000 views on YouTube on its first day. Considering that it got a relatively late start as a Christmas campaign, compared to other major advertisers, that's not too bad. It also brightened the day with a little fantasy for some young children, who never expected to see Santa Claus at the auto repair service, as well.

OMG, I recognize that man!
Thanks to this article from Daily

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