Wednesday, March 2, 2016

A Selfless Wish

Amelia Meyer, a girl with a wish.
It's not often that you'll hear an eight-year-old child wish that she could "take care of the world", but probably even less when that child is battling cancer and is granted a wish by MAKE-A-WISH MISSOURI. For Amelia Meyer, who is battling brain cancer and just completed her chemo treatments, she wanted nothing more than to be able to clean up local parks with her friends.

Both Make-A-Wish and HELZBERG DIAMONDS got together to make the wish come true. Utilizing its social media clout, Helzberg recruited hundreds of volunteers to join in cleaning one of four Kansas City parks, all to help make Amelia's wish come true.

Jill Meyer, Amelia's mother said, "We were very touched by it, but not surprised, just very touched. It was a sweet wish." According to Pat Duncan with Make-A-Wish Missouri, "Most wishes are to meet someone or go somewhere. This one is a bit unique."

Besides the two organizations helping to sponsor the park cleanups, Mayor Sly James has stepped up, too. He appeared at Swope Park this most recent Saturday and proclaimed it Amelia Meyers Day. Among his remarks, he thanked Amelia for "selfless dream" and "for being such a really neat kid."

Even though Amelia didn't say much, she launched enthusiastically into picking up debris and spending time with her friends. The Meyer family, including older brother, Carson, was present to lend support. Jill Meyer mounted the podium after Mayor James to convey the family's gratitude to the participants, "We're so touched by what you have all done for our little girl. It brings her such a smile."

The Meyer family with Mayor James' proclamation; Amelia receiving big hug from brother Carson.
And perhaps that is the bigger idea behind special wishes for kids battling cancer, uniting community support behind a family trying to get through a difficult time, with no promises about the ultimate outcome. They all receive a big emotional lift from the community coming together. But one little girl provided that - and more - for her family and community. A concern about the future, making a nicer environment for all. And isn't that a wonderful thing?

A day of hard work produces trash bags full of debris.
Thanks to information from this article by Morning Express on HLN:; this article on; this article on The Charlotte Observer:; and this article from

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