Thursday, March 5, 2015

An Oh, So Sweet Prank!

Sherman Padgett, Principal, North HS, Wichita.
Think back to your high school years, and you might be able to remember a senior prank; in my case there was a senior skip-out day (No, I didn't participate; I spent the day in the library). It's those pranks like switching all the cables behind the computers in computer lab, making a cloud of glitter appear in the hallway, lining the halls with toilet paper, that are some of  the possibilities.

Senior Emily Jones, however, had something different in mind for her class at NORTH HIGH SCHOOL in Wichita. She and many of her fellow students generally like Principal Sherman Padgett, so a way was devised to show him that appreciation through their senior prank.

It all started with a paint-stained black bucket and Emily asked Principal Padgett to walk around holding it. But she never said why. To say the least, Principal Padgett was wary, "I'm not holding your bucket....You're going to put fish eyes in it or something." So, Emily left the ratty bucket on the Principal's desk.

Eventually Principal Padgett changed his mind and brought the bucket out into the hallway with him. And as he was standing with it, students began putting cards and papers into the bucket. Those cards and papers contained heartfelt messages from the students.

Here's some of the messages: "Thank you for making high school the best years of my life", "I love you, Mr. Padgett. High school has been wonderful with you as my principal", "You've made my first year in America one that I will always fondly remember", and even one thanking Mr. Padgett, who "helped me get through my eating disorder and helped me get into therapy". On and on they went, some so touching and personal that they brought tears to Mr. Padgett's eyes. He reported, "[I] Became a little emotional on some of them. I kind of read them and thought, 'Man, this is better than a paycheck. This is why I do the things that I do."

So, why did Emily choose this "prank"? She confirmed that the notes were her idea and that she had discussed this idea with her mom. In the end, she put it this way, "Padgett's an awesome principal."

Emily Jones with Principal Padgett and the bucket.
Thanks to this article from Good News Network:; and this article from Fox News Salt Lake City:

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