Thursday, March 26, 2015

Meeting His Heroes

Quincy, in the middle, with his heroes, Eddie and Mark.
All he wanted was a toy garbage truck. Two-year-old Quincy Kroner just loves garbage trucks, so his parents, Oliver and Libby, promised him a toy garbage truck if he filled up his potty training chart with stickers.

Quincy managed to do just that; he filled up his chart with stickers. So, out they all went to get Quincy his toy garbage truck, the one in lime green, that had two garbage men figures, a lever that can flip the dumpster into the truck, and a little garbage can that can be emptied into the back. Quincy was so excited that he wanted to show the garbage men, who worked on the family's street.

So, bright and early on a March Friday, Quincy was ready for the garbage men to come down his street. And when they made their stop at the Kroner house, Quincy was ready, and so was dad Oliver with his camera. But as dad continued to photograph, Quincy's smile faded to the point that he looked like he might cry. It was all a bit overwhelming for this young toddler, getting to meet his heroes and to show them the garbage truck toy that looked just like their real garbage truck.

The surprise came after Oliver posted the picture. So many viewed the picture and commented on it, some comments from across the ocean. Said Oliver, "At first you kind of get a kick out of it. Oh, people really like the photo. Then, when the UK starts writing about it, it's like 'Holy cow!'"

But it wasn't just the boy with his expression that viewers were noticing. It's the two garbage men in the photo, too. It's the way the Kroners conveyed respect to these men who are part of regular life for most people. The comments reflected this respect. One commenter noted, "Garbage men are too often under appreciated. They are certainly heroes, and this kid is on point." Another stated, "My father being a former trash collector for 30+ years, I can say this made me tear up a bit." And yet another,"Garbage men are (expletive) heroes. Try living through a two-week sanitation strike in a major city."

Eddie and Mark, the two garbagemen in the photo, continue to make their rounds in Cincinnati, doing their job of emptying the trash at the Kroner house. And at the window everyday is little Quincy, still excited to see his heroes doing their work. And, as they've done since the beginning, they exchange waves and smiles, glad to be doing the things that they do.

Quincy's beautiful smile.
Thanks to this article from


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