Saturday, July 18, 2015

They Sing Wonderful Songs Together

Wende Harston with her parrot Sami.
People in Denver might recognize her from her appearances with her band group. She's Wende Harston and she is the lead singer for Queen City Jazz Band. But, for several months during the times when she wasn't performing, she was without a permanent home.

Like many who find themselves without permanent shelter, Ms. Harston had a run of hard luck. As she said, "Things just got bad quicker than I expected." When she found herself without the financial resources to maintain her housing arrangements, she appealed to her brother. Luckily, her brother had an RV which couldn't move, but which could adequately provide some living space. But her parrot, Samela, needed more space than the RV provided, so she found a refuge for him at THE GABRIEL FOUNDATION, the largest shelter/rescue for birds in the US.

Since Sami is so important in her life, she was visiting him rather regularly. And when she did, Sami got the chance to exercise his vocal range with his favorite human. Both human and bird were singing together, providing entertainment for both staff and volunteers, with some of the other birds joining in as a chorus. Ms. Harston found her visits with one of her best friends to be uplifting, giving her hope and helping to keep herself together.

But all visits do come to an end. It's wasn't exactly the same as having Sami at home. Ms. Harston knew the tug at her heart when she had to leave and Sami was calling out for when she departed. But not all is gloom with this little family.

Just recently, Ms. Harston found a more permanent home setting in a mobile home. It's big enough for her and Sami. So, this twosome bade farewell to the shelter to start their lives together in the new digs. But the support of the Gabriel Foundation has not ended. They started a GOFUNDME campaign to help the twosome get the right start to keeping their new home. After all, they both shared their hearts and their stories, and Ms. Hartson's quiet ways, with her enchanted singing, gave back a spirit to the birds without homes that they wouldn't have had if this wonderful twosome had never entered their lives. Never let it be said that someone without a permanent home can't give back. They still have that most important piece: themselves and their light that shines within.

Wende Harston performing with the Queen City Jazz Band.
Thanks to this article from Good News Network:; and this article from 9News:; along with the above links.

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