Sunday, August 30, 2015

An Extra Student At School

Leland High School student ID for Bubba.
The school bells are ringing; it's back to school time, although in many localities, school is already in session. There are those first-timers starting pre-K; there are those first days at middle school and high school. But there is one cool cat who won't be missing a beat on the first day of school.

He lives in a home in San Jose with a woman named Amber Marienthal, who adopted him in 2009. Once he spotted the two neighboring schools, Bret Harte Middle and Leland High, no one could hold him back. You see, he screams and wails at the door of his home until someone opens it and lets him out. Then it's off to school, where he waits at the door until someone opens it and he can gain entry. Because he's on his way to the best education a kitty ever had.

His name is Bubba and he acts like any other student at either school. He has a locker, just like the other students and he'll hang out and schmooze with the other students before class. Of course, more than the other students, he's likely to find he gets more head rubs than any of them. He frequently joins the other students in classes where he can always find a seat at an open desk. But, unlike the other students, if he happens to become bored in class, he can meow for attention and someone will give him a hall pass to go to another classroom.

If you must know, Bubba has perfect attendance. That's right; this gorgeous feline attends school every day. And he's no slacker either. He'll stay at school until the last team practice has ended, too. And don't think he isn't welcome as a student at either school. He has his own ID and classes willingly make room for him. He's gotten to be an internet sensation, just for his desire to get a bit of a kitty education.

It's not all studying; there are those extra perks from fellow students.
So, how did Amber find out that Bubba was going to school on a daily basis? It happened when her human son was enrolling at Leland High School. While he was getting his own ID made, he noticed another ID with a rather familiar face on it. You got it, that was Bubba's picture on that ID - and now they both attend the same school together.

Bubba is all eyes and ears in the classroom.
Thanks to this article from SF Gate:; this article from Little Things: and this article from Jezebel:

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