Monday, August 31, 2015

Brand New Shower Technology

Members of the design team surround computers before the Kickstarter campaign went live.
Most of us are aware of California's drought situation, the drying up of lakes and water reservoirs in that area. Governor Jerry Brown has required cutbacks in water usage on an unprecedented level. So, Californians have had to explore new ways of saving water reserves.

Chief among the water usage is what water is utilized in cleaning human beings. So, sometimes cutting back has meant that people no longer can afford to take daily showers; the reduction can mean every other day showers or even twice a week showers. But the limitation always comes in how much water showers use. Do you know that the average eight minute shower uses 20 gallons of water, the majority of which goes right back down the drain?

A group of entrepreneurs and engineers have realized that shower design hasn't changed for decades. That means that the little nozzles within the shower head haven't been redesigned in ages. That's where these designers focused. The other feature in which they were interested was in ease of installation.

Utilizing computer technology, these young designers came up with a new nozzle that mists the water in such a way that users still feel surrounded by water, yet the nozzles are spraying out an enveloping mist. The new showerhead has a flattened circular shape allowing the user to be surrounded by the mist. And get this, you don't need a plumber to install it. It is easily installed by any user.

The company is going by the name of Nebia, and the showerhead is THE NEBIA. Their approach is to just allow potential project backers to take a shower with their product and note the reviews. Most users are rather impressed with the quality of their showers. Now, for the good part; the showerhead uses 70% less water than any other showerhead on the market that contains the old technology.

Two showerheads in action, along with the handheld models below them.
So, now the inventors of the new showerhead are seeking funds through a Kickstarter account. You can go read about the technology, watch some videos, and judge for yourself whether this project is worthy of support. You may even score with an early order for this new technology and get to install one of your very own. With water becoming a scarce commodity in various areas of the world, this could be one answer to conserving more water.

Some of the early design ideas for the showerhead.
Thanks to this article from Good Magazine:; and the above link.

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