Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Colorado Vet Transport

Take a look at the STATE OF COLORADO and most people think of Denver and "Rocky Mountain High". Yes, indeed, Colorado is mountainous and has some well-known locations.  Colorado is home, also, to seven major military installations. And where there are military installations, there are also veterans.

Many of Colorado's veterans live in rural mountainous areas which are as distant from regional veteran's centers as a day's ride away. With services provided by these VA centers being vital to ex-service members recovering from their war experiences, being able to arrange convenient transportation provides an important and life-saving connection.

Veteran Donald Scott saw the need and stepped in with the establishment of GRAND VETERANS, which arranges transportation back and forth to the VA centers. According to Mr. Scott, "A trip to the VA can be so much more than a ride to an appointment; it can be a therapy session, a chance for our veterans to talk about their accomplishments, express their challenges, appreciate the surrounding beauty, and reflect on their service to our country. For many of these veterans, their VA visits are the difference between life and death. Grand Vets view these trips as missions, and not just rides to appointments."

Grand Veterans' transportation services serve the area of Denver, Golden, Grand Junction, and Cheyenne. But that isn't the only thing that Grand Veterans does. Its other services include a Veterans Service Dog Program; a Creati-VET Cards Program, in which volunteers design and create unique cards for deployed veterans to use when they write home to family members; and a Colorado Ticket-Out Program, which provides tickets to local events and entertainment to veterans and their families. Grand Vets accepts donations and volunteers.
Some veterans participating in Denver's Veterans Day parade.
I want to personally thank Donald Scott and the veterans served by Grand Vets for their service and dedication to this country and our freedoms.

Thanks to this article for the information: http://thepollinationproject.org/grants-awarded/donald-scott-grand-veterans/.

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