Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Help For The Homeless of North Los Angeles

Some of the homeless in the Highland Park section of Los Angeles.
Back in 2010, social worker Rebecca Prine started RECYCLED RESOURCES FOR THE HOMELESS, an outreach program to identify and support individuals without homes who frequent the streets of North Los Angeles. There were no other resources in the area, no homeless shelters. Many of those without homes have lived a large portion of their lives in the area, so they feel comfortable staying there.

Rebecca began the outreach to homeless individuals when she noticed the number of individuals who were spending time at Highland Park's Veterans Memorial. She began to create her own database of those without homes, gathering statistics about who they were and how long they were without housing. She also provided them with resources, such as where shelters were located and where they could shower. Her ultimate goal is to help them get more permanent housing which they can afford.

The organization that Rebecca founded and directs tries to include those who have permanent housing in her section of Los Angeles in monthly group outreach efforts. There are also drives to collect donated items that those without permanent housing need in order to make a new beginning in a more permanent setting. She educates volunteers and locals about how increased housing costs increase the size of the homeless population.

About a year ago, she started a new volunteer effort, NEIGHBOR-2-NEIGHBOR VOLUNTEERS. After providing six hours of training, she matches volunteers with permanent housing in the community with neighbors who don't have homes. They establish one to one relationships, creating more trust with the homeless and providing advocacy for the services that homeless individuals need. Once the homeless individual is able to obtain housing, the volunteer assists in the transition and teaches life skills to their neighbor in need.

Recycled Resources also has volunteer opportunities for those who want to help collect needed donations and recruit more volunteers, those who want to engage with the community to educate about homelessness and the work of the organization, and those who want to raise funds to continue the work in the field.

It's a small organization, working on the energy and commitment of people who volunteer their time, including the energy and expertise of Rebecca Prine. Doing all that she does makes Rebecca a remarkable individual and deserving of our respect and appreciation.
Rebecca Prine with a woman without a home.
Thanks to this article in EGP News for most of the information: http://egpnews.com/2011/07/rooted-in-the-community/.

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