Thursday, December 11, 2014

What A Tip!

Cindi's battered and bruised car.
She's a waitress at the CRACKER BARRE;L in Branson, Missouri, and she's been getting back and forth to work with a car that has seen better days. You know the type, battered and bruised, held together with duct tape, a clothing belt, some plastic where the window had been, and running through sheer force of will. That car definitely showed signs of its several encounters with local deer - and they can do quite a bit of damage when they make contact with a car.

For Cindi Grady, the owner of the dilapidated car, Christmas was looking bleak, indeed. She really couldn't afford a Christmas tree this year, had a few dollars for presents for her disabled son, so replacing her car wasn't likely to be happening in the near future. As she said, "I was into a spot where I was, I dunno depressed, of course driving that car there, it's like just feeling like nobody cares you know."

So, right before Christmas, Gary and Roxanne Tackett, from Quitman, Arkansas, came by the restaurant again and left a $20 tip - and also just a bit of hope in Cindi's heart. But the couple had something else in mind, too. They had seen the battered car that Cindi drives and even thought it had been abandoned in the parking lot.

So, a plan started hatching. Gary discussed the situation with his wife and thought something should be done. When they returned to the restaurant, they had even more than the $20 tip that they left on Cindi's table. After making arrangements with Cindi's boss, it was time for the unveiling.

Cindi then walked out into the parking lot and spotted the car, a 2008 Ford Fusion that the Tacketts had purchased just for Cindi. The couple ceremoniously turned over the ownership papers and keys to the vehicle and Cindi had her new ride.

"It restored my faith in humanity. And everyone I talked to says the same thing," Cindi says. "There are good people in this world that are watching, that care, you know? And you may not even know them." As for the Tacketts, they weren't in it for any publicity, they just did what they did because they could.

Thanks to this report from WPTV, Palm Beach:


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