Wednesday, December 24, 2014

In Honor Of Christmas

Charlie Todd, founder of Improv Everywhere
My brother and I got together a few days ago in a sort of pre-Christmas visit. We talked a lot and then we got around to sharing some of our Youtube favorites. There were a few incredible flash mob surprises among them (we both enjoy the pleasant surprise aspects).

So, with that in mind, I found a Christmas flash mob event. There's a group of people known as IMPROV EVERYWHERE, based in the NYC area, who stage missions of various sizes. Charlie Todd founded the group about thirteen years ago and engages in producing, directing, performing. and documenting the missions. He's even written a book about the group he founded, "Causing A Scene", to which there is a link on HIS BIO PAGE. (Don't worry, Charlie, the book link is still through you).

Anyway, Improv Everywhere has conducted missions in fifteen different countries. Like any group whose activities require intricate timing, the group does have rehearsals. And it's not just professionals who can participate. You can participate if you live in, or visit, the NYC area at the time they are planning a mission.

Okay, so back to this particular flash mob scene. A home in Englewood, NJ, was chosen as the site of the caroling. A 20-member brass orchestra, Patriot Brass Ensemble, and a 13-member choir were needed. The group pulled off this special Christmas caroling event with the help of financing from Target. After all, if you're going to the suburbs from the city, you need a bus to transport everyone.

Then for video preparation. Now, if you go randomly into a neighborhood for Christmas caroling, you do run the risk of  finding no one at home, so you have some pre-arranging to do. So, instead of just going up to houses, Improv Everywhere rented a home and invited families from their mailing list to a family photo shoot. Five different families experienced the surprise, with the Schreibers being the family on the video.

Now, presenting, the final Christmas surprise video:

Thanks to Improv Everywhere's website for the background info.

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