Thursday, December 18, 2014

Speaking Up For Bats

Truth Muller
His passion for bats started at age 4, when he spotted a bat hanging down underneath the beach umbrella in his backyard. As he got older, he noticed that there were fewer bats around his home in Rock Hill, NY. Then at the booth for the NY State Fish and Wildlife Service at the NY State Fair, he found out why. As a matter of fact colonies of bats are still being decimated by this same problem, an illness called white nose syndrome, caused by "a fungus that grows on the noses and wings of hibernating bats." The illness awakens the bats and causes them to use up essential nutrient stores and then they die from starvation.

As Truth Muller continued to learn more about bats, he found out how important they were to human beings. The fact that the bat population in this one State was reduced by 93% could have devastating effects. So, Truth made arrangements with a local radio station to share all he knew about bats, along with the effects of the fungal illness, with those in the surrounding area.

Now, Truth wanted to do more. In 2012, he started a facebook page, "BUDDIES FOR BATS", where he shares current information about bats. His page is educational, as well as timely. He's been known to write letters to the editor of the local paper advocating for the lives of bats, to set up a booth at local fairs to hand out information and teach the public about bats, and even to teach elementary students about bat basics.

Now, at age 14, Truth Muller continues to speak and teach for the bats. He's created a crossword puzzle, compiled a list of bat literature, and made television appearances. He's been recognized by various organizations for his continued efforts to preserve the bat population. Truth Muller is a truly unique, educated teenager with a bright future in whatever area he decides to pursue in the future.
Truth Muller giving a presentation on bats at a local library.
Thanks to this article about Truth Muller and his fascinating interests and achievements:

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