Sunday, June 7, 2015

Advocating For Abandoned Children

Some of the wonderful people who have the caring of children at the top of their hearts.
For the past sixty years, the country of Romania has not had a very good track record in providing a system of child care for its most vulnerable citizens. At a time when all supports have disappeared from a child's life, when that child has been orphaned and abandoned, this country doesn't have much in the way of a child care system to fill in the gap, to be there when no one else has been.

Even today, 60,000 children of all ages in Romania have seen their support network collapse. In stepped Cristina Gallego, who has been a philanthropic activist, mentored several nonprofit organizations, and came to the US from Romania in 1999, and Simona Czudar, with a background in child care advocacy and leadership, to form ADOR COPIII.

Because the system in Romania was small to nonexistent, this organization works as an information clearinghouse to help interested adults become more informed, and connect with, NGOs that provide adoption services connecting orphan and abandoned children with prospective parents. This organization works through interdisciplinary teams that help with domestic adoptions. There is also community support for parents who undertake the raising and care of these children, whether on a temporary or permanent basis.

Cristina, through her work with JMC Philanthropic Advisors, is quite familiar with the process of mentoring nonprofit organizations, so that does explain some of the focus on Ador Copiii's role in providing technical and other supports for NGOs, which operate in the field of orphan child care and adoption. In addition, the group fills in some of the missing infrastructure in Romania's system of child care. Much of their connecting work utilizes such technology as Skype and e-mail advisory sessions to provide the type of guidance and support that these organizations need.

Children like these benefit from the work of Ador Copiii.
Examples of some of the campaigns and work in which Ador Copiii engages include the People For People Awards Gala, which provided recognition for individual NGO leaders; I Want To Go Home, an integration/reintegration program; and I Am Not Alone...I Have A Brother, which reunites brothers who haven't seen each other for a lengthy period of time. Towards the end of April, the group helped draft a new adoption law and became a full member of Eurochild. Although Ador Copiii is not a government organization and some of the infrastructure is still lacking, this organization will continue to be in the forefront and a voice for vulnerable children, who cannot speak loudly enough to be heard.

Some of the attendees at a conference on the adoption of children.
Thanks to this article from Pollination Project:; and the above link.

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