Monday, June 29, 2015

Well-Known Stationmaster Laid To Rest

Tama in one of her publicity photos.
Back in 2007, Kishigawa railway was close to bankruptcy and the Kishi station was in danger of closing. Along came a stray cat, Tama, who was appointed honorary stationmaster. Now, cats in Japan are known to bring good luck, and Tama did just that.

Using her vast kitty powers, Tama began inspiring an economic turnaround. Kishi station was decorated in a friendly cat motif and the train cars continued the theme with kitty memorabilia and a unique design, symbolizing the new stationmaster. To go with her duties, Tama also received a stationmaster's hat, and various other additions, depending on season.

Before long, tourists were hearing about the stationmaster and her new honorary post and they made Kishi station a destination, just to meet this remarkable cat. She didn't disappoint either; there she was, in her stationmaster's cap, greeting everyone who visited Kishi station, and posing for photos. And Tama had a positive effect on the local economy, too, to the tune of $8.9 million (1.1 billion yen).

By the way, when the Kishigawa railway was experiencing hard times, they downsized to the point that there were no humans at Kishi station, so that made Tama the only feline stationmaster in the world, part of her unique attraction. Mitsunobu Kojima, president of the Wakayama Electric Railway, explains, "[S]he really was doing her job. Tama-chan really emerged like a savior, a goddess. It was truly an honor to have been able to work with her." For eight years, she did her job of greeting passengers. She even was training a successor, another stray named Nitama, because she was getting up there in years.

Last week, this senior kitty developed a sinus infection. Yoshiko Yamaki, a spokesperson for Kishigawa, reported, "When we visited her with the company president the day before she died, she stood up and meowed as if she was begging him to hold her." And so, this well-known kitty with a large worldwide following, passed away.

Tama with apprentice, Nitama.
As fitting for this little celebrity, 3,000 people turned out for the Shinto funeral, at which she was given the title of honorable eternal stationmaster, the equivalent of a Shinto goddess. She will be forever in the memory of a company and a community. Meanwhile, Nitama has stepped up from her apprentice position, now serving in the very big pawprints of the beloved Tama.

A young fan leaves memorial flowers for Tama.
Thanks to this article from Good News Network:; and this article from The Guardian:

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