Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Vegan News Beat

Steve Boardwine, with his wife.
Back when Steve Boardwine was a cook at an Italian restaurant, he became aware of animals as sentient beings. All he had to do was to observe other cooks when they killed a lobster for a customer's dinner. The lobster fought hard for its life with all of its might. Realizing that all animals wanted to live, Steve became a vegan.

Along the way, he realized that being vegan inspired him to support other issues, as well. Mr. Boardwine said, "Prior to becoming vegan, there was a thick spiritual fog hindering my view of this world. There, in my opinion, is no better way to promote environmental sustainability, spiritual fulfillment, and justice than through championing veganism."

With his new-found knowledge, he realized that there was a difference in lifestyle that applied to people who had become vegan. So, he decided that an online magazine was a great way to provide information about this lifestyle and also share recipes, not only to those already in the vegan community, but to those who don't participate in that lifestyle. So, VEGANBEAT was born.

One of the interesting aspects of this magazine is that it is designed to appeal to individuals from many different backgrounds. From younger people to women to travelers to beginning cooks to lovers of in-depth journalism, this magazine has articles for many different tastes. The site has actually just started publishing articles, but that start is very promising. So far, Mr. Boardwine is the only poster, but the site does have the capacity to accept other authors.

Eventually, it is planned that VEGANbeat will post in the areas of politics, entertainment, food industry news, and vegan resources. There is even an area for videos, which has not yet been activated. If you are interested in this concept, give Mr. Boardwine some support by visiting his startup online magazine. If you write, ask if he'd be interested in your support with a post or two of your own.

VEGANbeat's logo and facebook profile picture.
Thanks to Pollination Project for this article:; and the above link.

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