Thursday, November 6, 2014

A Localized Disaster Turns Into Smiles

Mudslide on San Como Lane.
While children around the country were dressed in scary costumes and making the rounds in the hope of getting Halloween treats, the hills around Camarillo Springs, CA, were being drenched by heavy rains. As sometimes happens with so much rain, the saturated soil suddenly started moving, generating a mudslide and leaving an ooey, gooey mess in several homes on San Como Lane.

At Henry Needham's home, the deposited goo was waist-deep, trapping him in the house. Firefighters came to his rescue and got him out safely. But no one could find his little dachshund, Tinkerbell, so he sadly thought that the dog had perished.

Two days later, when his grandson was around Henry's home, he actually heard barking coming from inside the home. So back came the firefighters, and while family and neighbors looked on, they exited with a mud-covered little dachshund, bringing a bundle of hope and joy with that dirty little dog.

But, no sweat, Tinkerbell was able to be cleaned up fairly easily. Henry Needham was filled with such joy, he commented, "It was such a fantastic time, you cannot believe it."

Henry Needham and his dog, Tinkerbell.
As for Henry's home, that isn't so easily cleaned. His home was red tagged as one of the most damaged and mud, now soil, removal is taking place with the assistance of Bobcats.

KTLA videoed the news story about finding the dog:

                                     Click here to view more details

                                           Click Here: ARBITRAGE CASH COW

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