Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Thanksgiving Wish

Why Neal Shytles was looking for a family Thanksgiving.
At one time Neal Shytles was a taxi driver. But like many, he lost his job during the recession. It was something he had never pictured happening to him.

Of course, when there is very little money coming in, bills can't be paid and eventually the roof over one's head becomes lost. All that also happened to Mr. Shytles. Eventually, he was dropped off at a shelter, UNION MISSION in Norfolk, where he is able to use his Social Security payments for his room. But that doesn't leave him with much of anything for pleasure.

Although Mr. Shytles grew up in the Norfolk area, there aren't too many people left with whom he has a close relationship. As major holiday celebrations approached, he was feeling rather lonely and longed for the family feeling he remembered from past holidays.

Then he got an idea and posted a family wanted ad on the facebook page of a local news station. And then things really moved quickly. WTKR aired Mr. Shytles' big wish and dozens of offers of a home to celebrate Thanksgiving came in.

He has chosen the generous offer of Ashley McLemore and her husband Cory, who live in Newport News. They plan to pick Neal up early on Thanksgiving and then will spend lunch and dinner with him. Mr. Shytles couldn't be happier that someone he doesn't know and hasn't met is so willing to open up their home and family celebration to include him.

Why did the McLemores decide so readily to include Neal in their plans? It's simple; they are one of the many military families who reside in the area and they have spent their share of holidays away from family members, so it only felt right to open up their hearts.
Exterior of Union Mission, where Neal lives.
And what about those other families that made the same offer to Neal? Well, there are other homeless individuals who face the same circumstances that Neal did. Wouldn't it be nice if his situation inspired those who have much for which to be thankful to open up their hearts and include other homeless people in their celebrations...for just one day?

Information provided by WTKR's report: By the way, there is also a facebook page for Neal:


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