Saturday, November 29, 2014

New Frida Kahlo Exhibition

Exterior of Frida Kahlo's home, including pyramid, to be depicted in exhibition.
I think most of us expect art exhibitions to occur in art museums and art galleries. But the city of New York is mounting this exhibition, FRIDA KAHLO: ART, GARDEN, AND LIFE at the New York Botanical Garden beginning in May.

This exhibition takes place at the Enid A Haupt Conservatory, which will transform into Frida Kahlo's studio, recreating the outside walls of bright blue and her home garden. In honor of Ms. Kahlo's and her husband's (Diego Rivera) heritage, the garden will include plants and flowers native to Mexico, that will line the footpaths.

Then there is the artwork. A large part of Frida Kahlo's work included botanical themes, such as "Self Portrait With Thorn Necklace And Hummingbird, which she painted in 1940. More than a dozen of Ms. Kahlo's pieces are included in this exhibition cum garden. Gregory Long, CEO and William C. Steere Sr. President of the Garden, notes, "Frida Kahlo is a profoundly important artist whose work reflects the complexity of her life and times. The Garden is proud to present this focused look at Kahlo's work, which examines how it was influenced by nature."

Ms. Kahlo's body of artwork was painted over a period of almost 30 years, after she had suffered injuries from a bus accident that left her with disabilities. She depicted nature in her artwork throughout her career, but even more so as her health declined in the latter years of her life.

Frida Kahlo with her husband, Diego Rivera.
The exhibition opens on May 16 and runs through November 1, 2015. So, if you plan to be in NYC around that time, you might want to include plans to visit this marvelous depiction.

Thanks to the BBC article, which is found here:

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